Christian Preschool in Atlanta, GA

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Courses for Children Pre-K and More

  Our highly trained, dedicated, and professionally accredited staff are passionate about preparing children for the outside world by creating a Christian and play-based setting, both during school hours and afterschool.

We offer a range of courses that are tailored and specified for Pre-K children. The Chastain School at St. John has one pre-kindergarten program that is private and one Georgia Lottery Pre-K. Get in touch for additional details.

Providing top quality education programs taught by staff that care and love their work.

Infants and Toddlers 

The Infant Program is designed to meet the individual needs of all babies in our care.

Our caregivers lovingly encourage each baby’s development without disrupting their regular daily schedule. In addition to nurturing, feeding, and providing the basic care needed during your infant’s day, our staff regularly works with each child in a variety of activities designed to stimulate his/her senses and to promote mental and physical development. Our infant rooms and outside areas allow all infants to safely explore the world around them while caregivers purposefully interact with them.

Our parent–caregiver partnership allows for every aspect of early development of your baby to be shared.

Toddlers (12 - 24 months)

As infants mature and become toddlers, our staff continues to stimulate their senses and encourage them to explore their world. Your child will learn such skills as pushing and pulling objects, turning and bending, sorting objects by color and size, exploring the concept of big and little, and building an early vocabulary. Music and art become an important part of the day.

At this stage, your toddler will start to experience a somewhat more structured classroom routine. He or she will start to learn valuable skills such as taking direction from adults other than parents, how to co-exist with other children in a learning environment, and how to share.

The Chastain School at St. John staff understands the challenges that toddlers face in a social learning setting and have experience in helping them adjust to the give and take of the classroom and playground environments.

Two-Year Old’s

Twos – the age of independence (!) is an important stage in childhood.

The Chastain School at St. John teachers provide gentle guidance as the two-year-old’s gain independence in their world. Our Twos Program provides fun and challenging activities. Our Twos teachers will encourage your child as he or she perfects self-help skills and is introduced to new concepts while interacting with other children and the surrounding environment. Lots of time is spent outside on the Twos’ playground designed to strengthen growing muscles. Our daily activities continue to reinforce age-appropriate social development

Three-Year Old’s

Three-year-old are more secure, and ready for a higher level of challenge with more learning through play. Our Three-Year-Old Program expands on the foundation established in the Twos Program. At this point, more routine and structure are introduced into the daily schedule. Daily activities include music, art, reading, manipulatives, puzzles, and plenty of play time both inside and outside. Your child will continue to develop age appropriate language, literacy, math, and social skills, while in the care of our loving staff.

Four-Year Old’s

The Chastain School at St. John Four-Year Old’s teachers weave a tapestry of learning and play that instills in our students the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed at the next level. Teachers work with students to expand their cognitive, physical, social, and emotional skills. Our curriculum is designed to well prepare your child for entry into Kindergarten in a public or private school. Throughout their day, our young learners have opportunities to make self-directed and guided choices, and to participate in small groups and projects. Music, art, library, and chapel are incorporated into the weekly schedules

After School Care

After school care is provided for children in Pre-Kindergarten through to 5th grade. We provide transportation from High Point, Montgomery, Heards Ferry and Jackson Primary to our school. Our safe, enriching, and relaxed atmosphere is the perfect environment to promote further learning for your child.

Bible Program 

As a Christian Pre-K, Kindergarten and Preschool, we prioritize Bible learning. That’s why once a week, toddlers & preschool children attend chapel.

School Age Summer Camp

All school-aged children in the community are welcome to participate in our outstanding Christian summer camp program. Children enjoy creative play, swimming, fun field trips, special visitors, music, sports, games and a variety of other activities, while upholding Christian values. 

Contact Us 

Get in touch with one of our friendly staff to learn more about our courses. 

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